Preschool Program
One of our basic philosophies is that there is not one way to teach children. We do not believe in rigid programs that all children must follow step by step, at the same time. Every child is an individual with a personalty, likes and dislikes just the same as every adult. What will help one child learn will not necessarily work for another child. It is the aim of First Impressions to expose the child to a variety of pre-planned experiences at his or her own pace. The children are grouped developmentally in their own self-contained classroom settings and work at their own individualized pace in all academic areas.
A nursery school allows a child to develop skills in a social atmosphere with professional guidance. This allows for growth in small and large group settings. The preschool years are very important development years in a child's life. We feel that the exposure to proper materials and experience at the proper time should be the right of every child. The skills learned (social, motor and intellectual) will prepare the child for the larger world that he/she will encounter in Kindergarten and Elementary school.
It is not the aim of our school to focus in on one area such as intellectual development, but to develop the TOTAL CHILD (emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially). Our staff will use positive methods to attain this end, making it possible for each child to succeed and take pride in that success. It is important that children at this age have a chance to accomplish tasks and to have adults be aware of their victories which may seem so small to us, but large to the child.
Beyond the goals of motor skills, social and preschool education, it is our belief that children need exposure to nature. Too often in this modern society so much of Mother Nature is obscured or erased by concrete, television and our fast pace life style. A major component of our program is studying the natural world around us and giving the children a chance to watch seeds grow into plants, ants build their nests and other natural phenomena.
The overall atmosphere of the school is very important. No child who walks into a cold, sterile environment will be encouraged to learn. Our school is designed to be as warm, cozy and homelike as possibly knowing that this is conductive to learning on the part of the child.
First Impressions offers an extensive enrichment program in addition to the academic readiness program. Instruction in the areas of music, physical education and creative movement enhance the program.
For our toddlers we encourage and promote increasing independence while at the same time we understand the need for comfort and security. Special toys and blankets from home are accepted at our school. Arts and crafts, music, and creative movement are also included in your child's day, as well as free play.
Our staff maintains Daily Child Reports with regards to all aspects of your toddler's day. Communication between parents and our staff is strongly emphasized. We want to know you so that we can work together in the best interest of your child.
First Impressions staff meets and exceeds state licensing requirements. We also have a Pediatrician and an Art Consultant acting as advisors. Our consultants work with our staff on a regular basis and are available for consultation.
First Impressions is non-denominational and non-discriminatory. First Impressions admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, grants them equal rights and privileges, and offers them the opportunity to participate in all available programs and activities.
All children will enjoy traditional celebrations of religious, ethnic and national holidays.